Dirk Hagemann wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anyone has experience with manipulating MS Active Directory
> objects? I'd like to delete some users from a group, but so far I
> couldn't find anything about this.
> There is some good stuff about retrieving data out of the AD (thanks
> to Tim Golden!), but how can I manipulate or change AD objects like
> users, computers and groups with Python? Is there somewhere a
> documentation or some code?

I freely admit I don't do too much changing of AD objects,
but my module should at least support the methods for doing
things. Some examples in Active Directory Cookbook:


To delete a user, apparently:

import active_directory
user = active_directory.find_user ("name-of-user")
# or user = active_directory.AD_object ("user-moniker")
user.DeleteObject (0)


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