On Wed, 02 May 2007 19:47:28 -0700, Huck Phin wrote:

> I understand how top posting is annoying, and when you check any
> usenet group message, everyone seems to just jump at the chance to
> yell at someone for doing it.  What I do not understand is how
> everyone is attacking the top poster, and not the spammer.  It seems
> that the real issue of this post is not being addressed.

Spammers don't hang around to read replies to their garbage, and even if
they did, asking them to stop is almost as pointless as writing a letter
to newspapers saying "Dear muggers, burglars and other criminals, please
stop, pretty please with sugar on top".

Has *any* spammer ever said "Oh gosh, somebody asked me to stop flooding
Usenet with ads for my crappy products and pyramid scams, I guess I'll
have to go out and get a real job now"?

As it turns out, my ISP does a reasonably good job of filtering spam from
this newsgroup, and I never received the original message. I wouldn't have
see it at all except Alvin Bruney [MVP] (Most Valuable Player? Minimum
Viable Population? Mitral Valve Prolapse?) replied to it, AND KEPT THE
ORIGINAL SPAM IN HIS EMAIL. Excuse the shouting.

In other words, Bruney himself forwarded that spam on to potentially
millions of people who never would have seen it except for his stupidity
and laziness.

You know, if I were more evil, and wanted to spam people, I would write my
spam ("By these stocks, their realy kool!!! Get tehm before the prise
tripples!!!"), then quote it and add a completely false "Please don't
spam" message and send it out. I'd get my spam out there, and millions of
people would think I was the good guy.

Or, for that matter, if I wanted to spam half a dozen newsgroups about,
say, my .Net book on Lulu... 

It's no worse than other spammer tricks.

> We all should be a little more considerate of each other.

And if the hippy hug fest fails to stop spamming, perhaps we'll be allowed
to hunt them down like rabid dogs and stick their heads up on pikes as a
warning to others.

Hey, a man can dream can't he??? *wink*

Steven D'Aprano 


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