maybe, "pulled" is just a firefighteresque synonym
for gravity doing its thing -- still not subsumed
in the Standard Model of physicists, so, There.  y'know,
sort of like, how it is, pilots refer to going "out" and "in,"
instead of up & down.

Zogby clientlist, VERY cool; what great organizations
I will assume them to be -- if any one else wants
to look at it & report back....  lies, polls, statistics;
how they, for instance, leveraged the Governeurateur,
during the Recall, by the art of dysmissing "less likely voters"
that they had interviewed, because they were a)
Democrats, and b)
were removed by some other signal processing techniques;
what it is?...  thank gawd for Zogby et al ad vomitorium;
with over 40% electronic voting,
how *else* will you know?

I liked the "WTC7 for Sheeple" thing;
what station, did you say, broadcast it?...  well,
even though I have no audio on this terminal,
I still learned a couple of things ... kind
of a tedious exercise, though.

I know, you were not suggesting that
(--with the rather obvious burning on the other side,
that was away from most of your videos, and after
teh catastrophic collapse and/or demolition
of both, huge towers into the gigantic subway--)
the commanding officers should have kept them
inside the evacuated building, til it fell.

it could only be interpreted in that way "with malice
aforethought," or by someone whose deployment
of English was less nuanced than yours; 10-4?

so, what sort of "fire-fighting action" should
they have been engaged in at WTC7 -- more
of those red-painted extinguishers, or
phoning the Forest Service?

keep breathing, while you're typing!

> Sure, you have firefighters and all the first responders telling you
> LIVE in the video that the building is going to be pulled down.

> Voting Age Americans are fucking 
> retarded:

here's a question that came-up recently,
in battling with the controlled-demo advocates
at the Promenade:
how is it that the metal was still molten,
after weeks?...
it seems that an additional hypothesis is required,
to explain that.  because, I doubt that
there was sufficient nukular material
"left-over" from a hypothetical suitcase-device.

have you seen the old analysis by the MIT Head Welder,
that I only saw a couple of weeks ago?

why do Dick, Borat, Osama, Harry P., Rumsfeld and Tony B. want us
to underwrite the 3rd British Invasion of Sudan,
so badly?...
anyway, Bertrand Russel published a jeremyad in the Bulletin
of the Atomic Scientists, while the USA was the only thermonukey
that we should bomb the SU into the Stone Age;
that's your British "pacifist," whether before or after he went nuts
because of Godel's proof.

if you can't prove that all Fermat numbers are pairwise coprime,

Darfur 'Mini-Summit'

uh yeah; Borat wants you in Sudan,
why, Baby?...  Harry Potter wants you in Iran --
yeah, Baby; shag'US with a spoon?

  we are marching to Darfuria, Darfuria, Darfuria!
Harry Potter IIX, ?Ordeal @ Oxford//Sudan ^ Aircraft Carrier!


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