In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>the simplest way to launch the user's standard mail client from a
>Python program is by creating a mailto: URL and launching the
>def mailto_url(to=None,subject=None,body=None,cc=None):
>    """
>    encodes the content as a mailto link as described on
>    Examples partly taken from
>    """
>    url = "mailto:"; + urllib.quote(to.strip(),"@,")
>    sep = "?"
>    if cc:
>        url+= sep + "cc=" + urllib.quote(cc,"@,")
>        sep = "&"
>    if subject:
>        url+= sep + "subject=" + urllib.quote(subject,"")
>        sep = "&"
>    if body:
>        # Also note that line breaks in the body of a message MUST be
>        # encoded with "%0D%0A". (RFC 2368)
>        body="\r\n".join(body.splitlines())
>        url+= sep + "body=" + urllib.quote(body,"")
>        sep = "&"
>    return url
>import webbrowser
>url = mailto_url(...)
>(Excerpt from
>But this method is limited: you cannot specify a file to be attached
>to the mail. And I guess that there would be problems if the body text
>is too complex.
>Does somebody know about a better method?
>It should be possible at least on Windows, since Acrobat Reader is
>able to do it.
Portland <URL: >
is the best standardization of this problem we have under Linux.

I'll address Windows in a subsequent follow-up.

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