On Mo, 7.05.2007, 10:30, Daniele Varrazzo wrote:
> On 7 Mag, 08:55, "krishnakant Mane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 6 May 2007 11:22:52 -0700, Daniele Varrazzo
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> Every serious database driver has a
>> complete and solid SQL escaping
>> > mechanism. This mechanism tipically involves putting placeholders in
>> > your SQL strings and passing python data in a separate tuple or
>> > dictionary. Kinda
>> >     cur.execute("INSERT INTO datatable (data) VALUES (%s);",
>> > (pickled_data,))
>> I will try doing that once I get back to the lab.
>> mean while I forgot to mention in my previous email that I use MySQLdb
>> for python-mysql connection.
> OK: MySQLdb implements the escaping mechanism i described. You can
> find the documentation if you look for it harder.
>> I did not find any such reference to storing pickled objects in the API.
> Storing pickled object is not different from storing anything else
> into BLOB. You would have faced the same problem if you had to write
> "O'Reilly" in a VARCHAR field.
> -- Daniele
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
Why not use qmark parameter passing (PEP 249) ?

cur.execute("INSERT INTO datatable (data) VALUES (?);" , (pickled_data,))

Then the DB driver will take care for you.

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