peter wrote:

Hello, nice solution:
but it puzzles me :)

can anyone tell me why
-----------correct solution----------------
def fA(input):
 return input

def newFA(input, f= fA):
  return f(input)

fA = newFA

is correct and:

>>> def fA(input):
...     print "inside fA"
...     return input
>>> def newFA(input,f=fA):
...     print "inside newFA"
...     return f(input)
>>> fA = newFA
>>> fA(2)
inside newFA
inside fA


-------------infinite loop-----------------

def fA(input):
 return input

def newFA(input):
  return fA(input)

fA = newFA

gives an infinite recursive loop?

>>> def fA(input): ... print "inside fA" ... return input ... >>> def newFA(input): ... print "inside newFA" ... return fA(input) ... >>> fA = newFA >>> fA(2) inside newFA inside newFA inside newFA inside newFA

What is happening is that when you call fA (inside newFA) in the second case, you are calling newFA because fA is pointing to newFA (hope that made sense ;-)). So it was recursive. While in the former case you called f, which pointed to fA, but not to newFA. Probably the following will make it clearer:

>>> def fA(input): ... print "inside fA" ... return input ... >>> def newFA(input,f=fA): ... print "inside newFA" ... print "f is pointing to: ",f ... return f(input) ... >>> fA = newFA >>> fA(2) inside newFA f is pointing to: <function fA at 0x43123374> inside fA 2 >>> fA <function newFA at 0x43194064> >>> newFA <function newFA at 0x43194064>

Thus f and fA do not point to the same function object when you execute the statement fa(2). This f is called once and terminates.

thanks, Satchit --

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