On May 9, 2:06 pm, "T. Crane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Right now I'm using Notepad++.  What are other people using?

I am very noob to this Python game (though it has been around since
1995 me thinks) and currently (I was using ActivePython and then IDLE)
I have been using a combination of Notepad2 <url>http://www.flos-
freeware.ch/notepad2.html</url> and the interpreter (Python 2.5) on a
Windblows X[crement]P[roblem] SP2 machine.

I like IDLE but it seems to stop working after the first few times and
I would then re-install it and it would work a few times more.
ActivePython was cool but I could not find a version of it that used
Python 2.5 (as far as I can see, it only uses 2.4)

Notepad2 allows you to launch your script directly from the editor
(just like IDLE) and has configurable code highlighting. And it is


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