On 2007-05-10, Gigs_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have text file (english-croatian dictionary) with words in it
> in alphabetical order. This file contains 179999 words in this
> format: english word: croatian word
> I want to make instant search for my gui Instant search, i mean
> that my program search words and show words to user as user
> type letters. yes, it needs to be fast
> Can someone give me some points (approaches) how to make this
> Should i make indexes and go with file.seek
> or should breake dictionary in peaces and put words that start
> with a in one and with b in another...
> So if i have this words
> [abridged dictionary below]
> absinth:pelin
> absinthe:pelin
> absolute:apsolutan
> absolute:apsolutni kod
> absolve:odrije?iti
> absolve:osloboditi
> absorb:absorbirati
> absorb:apsorbirati
> absorb:crpsti
> if user type: "abs" program should list all words above in
> english and in croatian if user type: "absorb" than program
> should list last 3 words in english and in croatian

A solution that solves the problem with a data structure might be
a multi-tree.

Each node points at a set of following letters, and a set of
croatian translations, either of which might be empty, making the
node a leaf.

For the above (abrideged) dictionary, you would generate (use a
fixed-width "programmers" font so the tree looks good):

                / \
               i   o
              /   / \
             n   l   r
            /   / \   \
           t   u   v   b->(absorbirati, crpisti)
          /    |   |
(pelin)<-h     t   e->(odrije?iti, osloboditi)
         |     |
(pelin)<-e     e->(apsolutan, apsolutni kod)

As the user enter letters, you just march down the tree, printing
all the words held in leaf nodes held in the current node.

Neil Cerutti
We shall reach greater and greater platitudes of achievement. --Richard J.

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