> On 9 Maj, 03:23, John Nagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> > >  "Tim Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote"
> > > It is also possible to keep the timer list sorted by "expiry date",
> > > and to reprogram the timer to interrupt at the next expiry time
> > > to give arbitrary resolution, instead of implementing a regular 'tick'.
> >
> >      Yes, and that's a common feature in real-time operating systems.
> > If you're running QNX, you can expect that if your high priority
> > task delays to a given time, you WILL get control back within a
> > millisecond of the scheduled time.   Even tighter timing control
> > is available on some non-x86 processors.
> >
> >      Some CPUs even have hardware support for a sorted event list.
> > The Intel 8061, which ran the engines of most Ford cars in the 1980s,
> > had that.
> >
> >      But no way are you going to get consistent timing resolution like that
> > from Python.  It's an interpreter with a garbage collector, after all.
> >
> >                                 John Nagle
> The application the original poster (i.e. me) was interested in was a
> program that sends ethernet packets at a loosely specified rate. A
> loop that sends all packets with no sleep in between will send them at
> a too high rate. Using the default sleep in my Python interpreter
> sleeps to long, since even a few microseconds add up when you send
> hundreds of thousands of packets.
> If the process scheduler deals with another process now and then, it
> doesn't matter. If it switches to another application between each
> packet is beeing sent, that's a problem.
> Anyways, what I need is high resolution sleep, not high resolution
> timing. Installing a real time OS seems like overkill.
> (Yes I know, one can also send, say, 50 packets at a time, and then
> sleep, send 50 more packets, and so on.)
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

What about C module with usleep,nanosleep?
Best regards.


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