On May 11, 11:51 am, Godzilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to know how to use the method callfunc in cx_Oracle. I am
> trying to get a primary key after an insert via a function call, but I
> do not know how to pass the return value from the function via the
> callfunc method. Can anyone help?
> I also tried the execute(), and callproc(), but to no avail. My
> function is as below:
> create or replace function addRow(desc table1.col1%type) return number
> is id number;
> begin
>   insert into table1 (description) values (desc) returning table1ID
> into id;
>   return(id);
>   exception
>     when others then return(-1)
> end;
> The code in the callfunc:
> cur.callfunc("addRow", returnType, param)
> Question is:
> - What is returnType and how to I declare that before passing into the
> function?
> - How do I define the parameters?
> I tried the setinputsizes and setoutputsize, but I keep getting errors
> saying the parameter is incorrectly defined. Please help. Thank.


found a solution in another thread... see


for more info.



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