On May 12, 2:21 am, Gary Herron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> johnny wrote:
> > I need to get the content inside the bracket.
> > eg. some characters before bracket (3.12345).
> > I need to get whatever inside the (), in this case 3.12345.
> > How do you do this with python regular expression?
> >>> import re
> >>> x = re.search("[0-9.]+", "(3.12345)")
> >>> print x.group(0)
> 3.12345
> There's a lot more to the re module, of course.  I'd suggest reading the
> manual, but this should get you started.

>>> s = "some chars like 987 before the bracket (3.12345) etc"
>>> x = re.search("[0-9.]+", s)
>>> x.group(0)

OP sez: "I need to get the content inside the bracket"
OP sez: "I need to get whatever inside the ()"

My interpretation:

>>> for s in ['foo(123)bar', 'foo(123))bar', 'foo()bar', 'foobar']:
...     x = re.search(r"\([^)]*\)", s)
...     print repr(x and x.group(0)[1:-1])


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