On 2007-05-12, walterbyrd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> He's thinking in Pascal, not C.
> Actually, I have programmed in many languages. I just first learned in
> Pascal.
> For me, going from Pascal, to basic,c,cobol,fortran  . . was not that
> difficult.

That's because those languages are all very similar in most of
the basic concepts.

> Python, however, feels strange.

That's because it's different than the languages you already
knew.  I might be an eye-opener to learn some other "strange"
languages: Prolog, Scheme, Smalltalk, APL, Erlang, Haskell,
Eiffel, ...

> As crazy as this may sound: Python, in some ways, reminds me
> of assembly language. I haven' t programmed in assembly in a
> *long* time. But I vaugly remember doing a lot of stuff where
> I used memory addresses as pointers to data, and also as
> pointers to pointers. Although, when I first started assembly
> language, I think it took me a week to write a program to
> print "hello world."

I still do assembly language stuff pretty regularly, and I
don't really see any similarity between Python and assembly (at
least not for the targets I work with).

Grant Edwards

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