On Sun, 13 May 2007 20:12:23 -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:

> Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> If I'm mistaken, please explain why I'm mistaken, not just repeat your
>> claim in different words.
>     if user_entered_password != stored_password_from_database:
>       password_is_correct = False
>     ...
>     if password_is_correct:
>       log_user_in()
> Does "password_is_correct" refer to the same variable in both places?

No way of telling without a detailed code inspection. Who knows what 
happens in the ... ? If a black hat has access to the code, he could 
insert anything he liked in there, ASCII or non-ASCII.

How is this a problem with non-ASCII identifiers? password_is_correct is 
all ASCII. How can you justify saying that non-ASCII identifiers 
introduce a security hole that already exists in all-ASCII Python?


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