Kevin Walzer a écrit :
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>> What platform are you doing this on? On the Linux platform, 
>>> "dependency hell" of this sort is pretty much unavoidable,
>> Yes it is. EasyInstall works just fine.
> You can install a beast like PyQt with easy_install? Meaning, that it 
> will download and build/install not just the PyQt bits, but also Qt 
> itself, sip, and all the other foundational components?

Are these components packaged in such a way to support easy_install ?-)

No, of course, easy_install doesn't *actually* support this (while 
AFAICT, it technically *could* do the job). I was talking about 
dependencies between Python packages.

If you want support for such external dependencies, emerge 
(Gentoo-Linux) is your friend - and believe me, it's really impressive.

Note that if you go that way, neither Windows nor MacOS X are actually 
able to cleanly manage such dependencies (which is why the usual 
solution on these platforms - or at least on Windows - is to just bundle 
everything in a single big package). FWIW, I sure had much more trouble 
with "DLHell" on Windows than on Gentoo or Ubuntu.

> If easy_install 
> handles all that, I'm impressed.

I'm already impressed by the whole setuptools package.


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