On Wed, 16 May 2007 17:14:32 +0200, Gregor Horvath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Eric Brunel schrieb:
>> Highly improbable in the general context. If I stumble on a source code  
>> in Chinese, Russian or Hebrew, I wouldn't be able to figure out a  
>> single sound.
> If you get source code in a programming language that you don't know you  
> can't figure out a single sound too.
> How is that different?

What kind of argument is that? If it was carved in stone, I would not be  
able to enter it in my computer without rewriting it. So what?

The point is that today, I have a reasonable chance of being able to read,  
understand and edit any Python code. With PEP 3131, it will no more be  
true. That's what bugs me.

> If someone decides to make *his* identifiers in Russian he's taking into  
> account that none-Russian speakers are not going to be able to read the  
> code.

Same question again and again: how does he know that non-Russian speakers  
will *ever* get in touch with his code and/or need to update it?
python -c "print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  

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