Peter Hansen wrote:
> On which platform?

On Linux, and I'm watching the percentage of used memory with *top* or
*ps v* (I have 256 MB). The aplication started with 19% used and after
45 minutes playing I saw i eat up almost 70%.

I also noticed that:

>>> from Tkinter import *
>>> l = Listbox()
>>> l.pack()
>>> for i in range(200000):
...     l.insert('end', str(i))         # Occupy memory
>>> l.delete(0, 'end')                  # Free the memory

Doesn't free the memory. The memory stays occupied. OK, when I do the
same thing again, no additional memory is occupied. He uses the same
memory allocated first time, but why doesn't he free it and why memory
isn't fread up even if I explicitly call

>>> l.distroy()
>>> del l

Thank You.


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