Ben Finney wrote:
> You already have Python, and can embed it in your program. The only
> missing piece seems to be the primitive operations at the core, which
> surely depend on what exactly it is you have in mind for your program
> and can't really be provided in a generic form by some other party.
That's where you're wrong. Such a tool exists. I really can't explain 
any better than I (and Jarek even better so) already did. The keyword is 
Rich-Client-Platform. Wikipedia explains it, so does the already 
presented Eclipse-wiki, as does the Enthought Tools Site (specifically 
Envisage), which also holds the answer to my problem/question. It is 
solved. If you don't understand what I want, go to <URL:> and read what it does.

I really, really appreciate the effort you (all of you) make in helping 
me and getting me on the right track, but I'm a bit confounded by how 
you can be trying to convince me that the tools I'm currently reading 
the docs for don't exist.

I don't mean to be bitching, really. I just don't get your point here.


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