7stud wrote:
> On May 19, 9:06 am, Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Alan Isaac wrote:
>>> I submitted the language based on Bill and Carsten's proposals:
>>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=105470&aid=1721372&;...
>>> That language has been rejected.
>>> You many want to read the discussion and see if
>>> acceptible language still seems discoverable.
>> Seems to me that you're focusing on the wrong part of the docs.  The
>> source of this "bug" is not sets or dicts, but the default __hash__
>> method implementation.  Why don't you propose adding something like:
>>      The default __hash__ method is based on an object's id(), and can
>>      therefore change between different iterations of the same program.
>> to the docs for __hash__:
>>      http://docs.python.org/ref/customization.html
>> Then if you really feel you need to add something for sets and dicts,
>> you can add a cross-reference to the __hash__ docs.
> Here's an idea--add All the proposed changes to the docs.  Why not
> allow user's to add any explanations to the docs that they want? Then
> readers can choose the explanations that make the most sense to them.
> It would eliminate endless, petty discussions about what minutiae are
> more important, and it would allow people to spend their time on more
> productive efforts.

Actually, it would just move the "endless, petty discussions about what 
minutiae are more important" into the docs. I don't see how that's an 


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