Hi all, I am attempting to create an XML document dynamically with Python. It needs the following format:
<zAppointments reminder="15"> <appointment> <begin>1179775800</begin> <duration>1800</duration> </appointment> </zAppointments> I tried using minidom with the following code: <code> from xml.dom.minidom import Document doc = Document() zappt = doc.createElement('zAppointments') zappt.setAttribute('reminder', '15') doc.appendChild(zappt) appt = doc.createElement('appointment') zappt.appendChild(appt) begin = doc.createElement('begin') appt.appendChild(begin) f = file(r'path\to\file.xml', 'w') f.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=' ')) f.close() </code> This gives me the following: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <zAppointments reminder="15"> <appointment> <begin/> <duration/> </appointment> </zAppointments> How do I get Python to put values into the elements by tag name? I can parse my documents just fine, but now I need to edit them and write them out to a file for an application I am working on. I am sure I am missing something obvious. Thanks a lot! Mike -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list