> Thanks. I think what I actually want to learn is design pattern in a
> looser sense, not in the computer-science-vocabulary-sense.
> I'm a graduate student in science, and python is my favourite programming
> language in daily work. I can solve most of the problems with python, but
> my programming efficienct is really low. Somethimes I have to stop to think
>  about when to use what idiom, such as when to use functions and when to
> use methods.
> I want to learn how to write better programs more effectively and more
> efficiently. I will try to have a look at the wikipedia.
> Thanks again for your kind suggestion :)
> Regards,

That stuff mainly just comes with time. Familiarize yourself with the
docs, and code, and it will become like second nature after a bit.

And you'll always have to stop and think about things - it tends to be
best to do so before you start coding though.

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