kaens wrote:
> Now the code looks like this:
[snip ElementTree code]
> freaking easy. Compare with making a generic xml parser class, and
> inheriting from it for doing different things with different xml
> files. This does exactly the right thing. I'm sure it's not perfect
> for all cases, and I'm sure there will be times when I want something
> closer to expat, but this is PERFECT for what I need to do right now.
> That settles it, I'm addicted to python now. I swear I had a little
> bit of a nerdgasm. This is orders of magnitude smaller than what I had
> before, way easier to read and way easier to maintain.
> Thanks again for the point in the right direction, Steve.

You're welcome. In return, you've helped me to augment my vocabulary 
with an important new word "nerdgasm".  ;-)


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