On May 24, 5:03 am, Richard Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Michael Tobis wrote:
> >http://tinyurl.com/yr62r3
> > seems to short-circuit some pointless hoop-jumping to get you to the
> > article.
> Hoop-jumping implemented to prevent just this kind of direct linking (and
> thus not saving of the PDF to local disk to view, and thus increasing the
> load on the server).
> Thanks for abusing the free service being provided to the Python Papers
> journal.
>     Richard

OK, oops, I'll take the tinyurl link down anywhere I can; I really
didn't (and still don't) quite get the server side issue but so be it.
(I thought it was a measure to ensure a license to view, which is not
in fact required in this case.)

On the other hand, given the modest reaction to the article (pro or
con) I am not getting the sense that it has generated a lot of

I'd prefer flames about the content, though.



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