On May 26, 2007, at 3:17 PM, rzed wrote:

> If there were a standard Python GUI API (call it the PGA,
> say) that be the target for app developers, they wouldn't have to
> worry about the back end. The PGA would have to be flexible enough
> to handle incompatibilities among the various approaches to
> displaying widgets and text.

        FWIW, this has been a design goal of Dabo from Day One. While we  
currently wrap only wxPython, the ui module is not tied to it. We  
have standardized on a syntax for control names, property names,  
etc., that is independent of wxPython, and then is implemented in the  
ui.uiwx module. Throughout Dabo, the only place where you will ever  
see "import wx" is in the ui.uiwx module; when you write Dabo UI  
code, you never need to import wx; instead, you write to the Dabo  
uiapi. The same will be true when we get around to wrapping Tkinter,  
Qt, etc.

-- Ed Leafe
-- http://leafe.com
-- http://dabodev.com


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