--- BartlebyScrivener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On May 26, 1:43 pm, Steve Howell
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     ------
> >     # def defines a method in Python
> >     def tax(itemCharge, taxRate = 0.05):
> >         return itemCharge * taxRate
> >     print '%.2f' % tax(11.35)
> >     print '%.2f' % tax(40.00, 0.08)
> >

I decided to go with a simpler example up front.

    # def defines a method in Python
    def say_hello(name):
        print 'hello', name

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Somebody also fixed a few style things in my other
examples, changing a tuple to a list, catching a more
specific exception.  Whoever you are, thanks, I agree.

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