erikcw wrote:
> On May 26, 8:21 pm, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On May 27, 5:25 am, erikcw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On May 25, 11:28 am, Carsten Haese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 09:51 -0500, Dave Borne wrote:
>>>>>> I'm trying to run the following query:
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> member_id=%s AND expire_date > NOW() AND completed=1 AND (product_id
>>>>> Shouldn't you be using the bind variable '?' instead of '%s' ?
>>>> The parameter placeholder for MySQLdb is, indeed and unfortunately, %s.
>>>> The OP is using parameter substitution correctly, though in an
>>>> obfuscated fashion. 'sql' is a misnamed tuple containing both the query
>>>> string *and* the parameters, which is being unpacked with '*' into two
>>>> arguments to the execute call.
>>>> The only problem I see is that the parameters should be a sequence, i.e.
>>>> (self.uid,) instead of just (self.uid).
>>>> HTH,
>>>> --
>>>> Carsten Haese
>>> I tried adding the comma to make it a sequence - but now change.
>>> ('SELECT payment_id FROM amember_payments WHERE member_id=%s AND
>>> expire_date > NOW() AND completed=1 AND (product_id >11 AND product_id
>>> <21)', (1608L,))
>>> ()
>>> What else could it be?
>> Possibly a type mismatch. How is member_id declared in the CREATE
>> TABLE? For diagnostic purposes, try passing in (1608,) and ('1608',).
> Here is a copy of the table schema and the first 2 rows.
> -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
> -- version
> --
> --
> -- Host: localhost
> -- Generation Time: May 27, 2007 at 11:29 AM
> -- Server version: 5.0.27
> -- PHP Version: 4.4.2
> --
> -- Database: `lybp_lybp`
> --
> -- --------------------------------------------------------
> --
> -- Table structure for table `amember_payments`
> --
> CREATE TABLE `amember_payments` (
>   `payment_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `member_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
>   `product_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
>   `begin_date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
>   `expire_date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
>   `paysys_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
>   `receipt_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
>   `amount` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
>   `completed` smallint(6) default '0',
>   `remote_addr` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
>   `data` text,
>   `time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
>   `aff_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
>   `payer_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
>   `coupon_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
>   `tm_added` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
>   `tm_completed` datetime default NULL,
>   `tax_amount` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
>   PRIMARY KEY  (`payment_id`),
>   KEY `member_id` (`member_id`),
>   KEY `payer_id` (`payer_id`),
>   KEY `coupon_id` (`coupon_id`),
>   KEY `tm_added` (`tm_added`,`product_id`),
>   KEY `tm_completed` (`tm_completed`,`product_id`)
> --
> -- Dumping data for table `amember_payments`
> --
> INSERT INTO `amember_payments` VALUES (423, 107, 1, '2004-10-01',
> '2004-10-21', 'authorize_aim', '5687944', 3.95, 1, '', NULL,
> '2004-11-30 19:21:43', 0, '', 0, '2004-11-30 19:21:43', '2004-11-30
> 19:21:43', 0.00);
> INSERT INTO `amember_payments` VALUES (422, 107, 1, '2004-10-22',
> '2004-11-21', 'authorize_aim', '5873225', 9.95, 1, '', NULL,
> '2004-11-30 19:22:18', 0, '', 0, '2004-11-30 19:20:13', '2004-11-30
> 19:20:13', 0.00);
> Thanks for your help!
> Erik
I feel obliged to point out that there ARE no rows meeting the criteria 
you query specified!

mysql> SELECT expire_date, NOW() FROM amember_payments;
| expire_date | NOW()               |
| 2004-10-21  | 2007-05-27 15:59:21 |
| 2004-11-21  | 2007-05-27 15:59:21 |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)


So I am not sure how you managed to get a manual query to work, but do 
be sure that the Python query you mentioned at the start of the thread

             sql = """SELECT payment_id FROM amember_payments WHERE
member_id=%s AND expire_date > NOW() AND completed=1 AND (product_id
 > >11 AND product_id <21)""", (self.uid)

doesn't stand a chance of returning any results unless you use a time 
machine to go back almost three years!

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd 
Skype: holdenweb
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