On 28 Mag, 08:01, james_027 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using delphi to develop gui application, and wish to make a shift
> to python. here are some of my question/concern...
> 1. is python develop gui application a cross platform? just like java
> swing?

Yes. Qt, wxwidgets and pygtk run on Linux and Windows, don't know
about Macs.

> 2. delphi makes things easy for me like coding for a specific event on
> a specific component, could it be the same for python?

Not in the Delphi way but glade/gazpacho are good GUI designer for
I have no experience with qtdesigner or the wx equivalent app.

> 3. are there cool library of component like in delphi available for
> python that will make database application more usesable?

python has dbapi, all DBs look the same, python can also use ORM like
SQLObjects and SQLALchemy

> 4. where do I start the learning curve? I did some research and I
> don't know which one to take among wxwdiget, pygtk, and etc.

I tried wxwidgets and pygtk, then I decided to use pygtk but it
could be I'll change my mind in the future.



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