On 29 mai, 07:22, Frank Millman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 29, 12:51 am, revuesbio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I am using odbc to connect to Microsoft Access DB.  When I send a
> > request with a datetime column from the database, odbc returns
> > something called a DbiDate object.
> > ex  :>>> x=data[0][2]
> > <DbiDate object at 0x009C4140>>>> print x
> > Fri Apr 20 07:27:45 2007
> > I would like to select columns where datetime ("DbiDate column") is >
> > yesterday date.
> > and i don't understand how to send request with this DbiDate.
> > Could you help me ?
> > thank you
> I also use the odbc module, but I store dates in my system as
> datetime.datetime objects.
> I convert a DbiDate object to a datetime object like this -
>     import datetime as dt
>     date =  dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(dbidate))
> For selects, I use the datetime object directly -
>     cur.execute('select * from table where date = ?',(date,))
> I'm not sure how the odbc module handles that - maybe it converts date
> into str(date). In any case, it just works for me.
> Frank Millman

it works !
thank you for your help ;-)


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