Warren Stringer wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> You make a compelling argument for underscores. I sometimes help a visually
> impaired friend with setting up his computers. 
> I'm wondering about the aural output to you second example:
> link.set_parse_action(emit_link_HTML)
> Does it sound like this:

unfortunately, I do not have text to speech set up on this machine as I'm 
the storage for more MP3s.  :-)

> link dot set under parse under action space between parens emit under link
> under HTML jump out

it would probably say underscore instead of under and left ( and  right ) (too 
much work is make it spell out the symbol).

> Also, does how HTML read? Is it "H T M L" or "cap H cap T cap M cap L" ? 

probably HTML.  Remember case is not apparent in an aural interface.

> How many python programmers can reconfigure their speech-to-text and
> text-to-speech converter? 

It's really difficult.  I'm getting by right now with some minimal macros to 
start classes and methods as well as things like putting a: on the end of the 
line.  But it is really primitive.  When I had voice coder working, it was 
pretty good and the only problem was command surface area.

Isn't there a Python based accessibility project?

You might be thinking of voice coder and VR-mode for Emacs.  Both projects need 
help, via-mode probably the most useful to the beginning user but combining the 
two would make a very nice voice driven Python IDE.  Of course if somebody 
wanted to adapt it to another IDE that was nice and not too expensive, I think 
people would not say no to that either.

> Perhaps a few lines of script to add CamelBack support, using an amplitude
> increase for initial caps and maybe lingering on the initial phoneme for an
> extra 100 milliseconds. So then, the above example would read:

I can tell you've never used speech recognition.  :-) if you do that for a few 
weeks, you'll find yourself being reluctant to talk and considering using Morse 
code sent by big toe as your primary computer interface. QLF OM?

Seriously, amplitude and timing information is gone by the time we get 
recognition events.  This is a good thing because it eliminates problems caused 
by individual habits and physiological traits.

As I've said before, I think the ultimate programming by voice environment is 
one in which the environment is aware of what symbols can be spoken and uses 
that information to improve accuracy.  This will also allow for significant 
shortcuts in what you say in order to get the right code.  The problem with 
being that it needs to work when the code is broken.  And I don't mean a little 
broken, I mean the kind of broken it gets when you are ripping out the 
implementation of one concept and putting in a new one.

Yes, it's a hard problem.



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