En Tue, 29 May 2007 15:01:07 -0300, fabien.lyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> hello,
> The C++ application uses a python module which wraps commands set for CVS
> management:
> checkout, checkin and tag.
> We used python2.5.1 and Visual C++ 6.0

2.5.1 is compiled with Visual Studio 2005 - I hope you had no problems  
with VC++ 6.0?

> The problem we get is:
> After a good import and definition of python functions we have a random
> unhandled exception (from python25.dll) when calling python interface
> function several times.
> All the python module has been tested using the python IDLE.
> This the C++ sequence code we used:
> Py_initialize()
> Py_Import("moduleName")
> cvs_init()                           // cvs view initialisation handled  
> by
> python script  init()
> cvs_set_tag()                    // cvs commit and tag handled by python
> script settag()
>                                        // the exception occured here

Neither Py_initialize nor Py_Import functions exist - so please post  
actual code.

Gabriel Genellina


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