I created an object that inherits from file and was a bit surprised to
find that print seems to bypass the write method for objects
inheriting from file.  An optimization I suppose.  Does this surprise
anyone else at all or am I missing something?

import sys

class FromObject(object):

    def write(self, string):
        # this works fine, gets called by print
        sys.stdout.write("FromObject: " + string)

class FromFile(file):

    def __init__(self, name, mode='w'):
        file.__init__(self, name, mode)

    def write(self, string):
        # this does not get called by print
        sys.stdout.write("FromFile: " + string)

a = FromObject()
b = FromFile("test.txt")

a.write("Foo\n") # works as expected
b.write("Bar\n") # works as expected

print >> a, "Baz\n"
# "FromFile: Baz\nFromFile:\n" written to stdout.  That's fine.

print >> b, "Qux\n"
# "Qux\n" written to test.txt. b.write wasn't called :(


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