On May 31, 5:19 pm, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mosscliffe wrote:
> > Excellent - thanks for all your help.  I now have a form created by a
> > python script executing an HTML page, doing everything I need, except
> > for Session Data (probably use hidden fields ?? future research) and
> > the actual paging logic !!!
> In fact you should find you can name all of the buttons the same. Then
> when you click one the value associated with that name tells you which
> button the user pressed.
> Just don't call your button "submit", since that masks a JavaScript form
> method that you will probably end up using sooner or later.
> > If I use a link.  I have to add all my hidden fields to the query
> > string, otherwise cgi.FieldStorage(), does not return the hidden
> > fields. This would also mean users see all the hidden field data.
> > Is there another way, other than a cookie ?
> > Why is a link better than a button ?
> Beats me why you got that advice. Buttons are perfectly adequate for
> that purpose.
> However, you can if you want use links with "javascript: ..." href
> values to accomplish local scripting which can do funky stuff like
> setting form field values and submitting the form. This can get tricky
> though, and it sounds like you are maybe a little too new to the web to
> be messing with client-side scripting. Later ...
> > I have been using 'post' for my form, to eliminate the displaying of
> > field values.
> That does make the location bar easier on the user's eye, and is the
> standard way to proceed. It doesn't add anything in the way of security,
> however.
> > I accept I am quite niave about FORM/HTML logic.
> We all have to start somewhere!
> regards
>   Steve
> --
> Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
> Holden Web LLC/Ltd          http://www.holdenweb.com
> Skype: holdenweb      http://del.icio.us/steve.holden
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> -------------- Thank You for Reading ----------------

Mr Holden,

Thanks for the button naming tip.

Just aquired your book, so hopefully I will need to ask less questions
in the future.  Sorting out some sort of session management is my next

Being a bit old fashioned, I am against javascript, because I need my
site to work with simple mobile phone browsers, which do not always
support javascript.



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