Warren Stringer wrote:
> i.prefer.dots    -- no, seriously
> sure it's slow, but forces you the think about names in a new way. 
Are you now suggesting that "addinfourl()" should actually be called 
"url()", placed in a module named "info", which is part of a package 
called "add", so as to enable you to call "add.info.url()"?
May I assume it wouldn't bother you having millions of packages 
containing only one module each (plus their __init__.py's) where the 
modules only provide around one function.

OK, go ahead. Modify the whole Python-library to conform to that style 
and then send us the bill from your psychiatrist. This may be a nice 
idea for the Next Overwhelming Programming Escapade (Codename: NOPE), 
but you can just forget about it in Python.
Excuse my mocking, but while typing dots is far easier for US and German 
keyboards, this may be a whole different story for any other layout (I 
forget how it goes with the french layout; shift for the dot or the comma?).

Back to the drawing boards!

You may want to elaborate on the "new way to think about names". Maybe 
you have a point which I just don't see.

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