Michele Simionato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Ok, I have yet another question: what is the difference
>  between fcntl.lockf  and fcntl.flock? The man page of
>  my Linux system says that flock is implemented independently
>  of fcntl, however it does not say if I should use it in preference
>  over fcntl or not.

flock() and lockf() are two different library calls.

With lockf() you can lock parts of a file.  I've always used flock().

>From man lockf() "On Linux, this call [lockf] is just an interface for
fcntl(2). (In general, the relation between lockf and fcntl is

see man lockf and man flock

Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

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