> Warren Stringer wrote:
> > As mentioned a while back, I'm now predisposed towards using `do(c)()`
> > because square brackets are hard with cell phones. The one mitigating
> factor
> > for more general use, outside of cell phones, is speed.
> The speed at which you can type code is almost _never_ a valid reason to
> make something brief.  Code gains readability from verbosity.  (That can
> be taken too far, of course, but that certainly doesn't apply here.)

There is code that you type which persists and code that you type from a
command line. Two completely different idioms. A credo inside the cell phone
game industry is that you lose half your audience with each menu keystroke.
That's how precious keystrokes are. 

What may be confusing is speaking about both idioms at once. 


> In short, your repeated use of `c[:]()` indicates a fundamental
> misunderstanding about Pythonic style _and_ substance.

Please define Pythonic. Is this like a certain US senator who defined porn
as "I know it when I see it."

28 years ago, I wrote a hierarchical DBMS that used lexical indentation. 15
years ago I wrote a multimedia script language that used lexical indentation
and automatic garbage collection - it was deployed on millons of clients. 2
years ago I hand coded every line of the Python 2.2 BNF into another style
of language description. Up until last month, I had tokenized a subset of
said definition in C++, using templates to manage cardinality. Recently, I
decided to forgo the C++ parser and am now rewriting it in Python. This is a
risk. So, what hoop does one jump though to earn that oh so coveted
"pythonic" merit badge?

Your other post responds with working examples. So, I'll jump over to that


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