Gary Herron wrote:
> Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
>> Gary Herron wrote:
>>> Of course not!  Angles have units, commonly either degrees or radians.
>>> However, sines and cosines, being ratios of two lengths, are unit-less.
>>>> To understand it: sin() can't have dimensioned argument. It is can't
>>>> to be - sin(meters)
>>> No it's sin(radians) or sin(degrees). 
>> NO!
>> The radian is defined as the ratio of an arc of circumfence of a circle 
>> to the radius of the circle and is therefore *dimensionless*. End of story.
>>  and esp.
>> *grunt*
> No, not end-of-story.  Neither of us are being precise enough here.  To
> quote from your second link:
>     "Although the radian is a unit of measure, it is a dimensionless
> quantity."
> But NOTE: Radians and degrees *are* units of measure., however those
> units are dimensionless quantities , i.e., not a length or a time etc.
> The arguments to sine and cosine must have an associated unit so you
> know whether to interpret sin(1.2) as sine of an angle measured in
> degrees or radians (or whatever else).
> Gary Herron
Sorry about entering the discussion so late,
and not sure I repeat one of the messages.

But can't we see it this way:
     radians / degrees (which one 360 or 400) are just mathematical 
scaling factors,
     like kilo, mega etc.

If a wheel is turning around at
    2*pi*100  [rad /sec]
does something physical change is we leave the radian out
the wheeel is turning at
    100  [1/sec]

No it's now called frequency, and has just some different scaling.

SQRT of "rad/sec" ?
Yes, in electronics the noise density is often expressed in   [nV/SQRT(Hz)]

Stef Mientki


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