Den Tue, 05 Jun 2007 07:06:15 -0700 skrev Rob Wolfe:

> Thomas Dybdahl Ahle wrote:
>> Problem is - I can't do that when I get killed. Isn't it possible to
>> open processes in such a way like terminals? If I kill the terminal,
>> everything open in it will die too.
> On POSIX platform you can use signals and ``os.kill`` function. Fo
> example:
> <code>
> import os, signal
> from subprocess import Popen
> from time import sleep
> def handler(signum, frame):
>     print 'Signal handler called'
>     raise KeyboardInterrupt
> signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler)
> try:
>     popen = Popen(["ping", ""]) try:
>         sleep(100)
>     except KeyboardInterrupt:
>         pass
> finally:
>     if popen.poll() is None:
>         print "killing process: %d" % os.kill(,
>         signal.SIGTERM)
> </code>

But you can't ever catch sigkill.
Isn't there a way to make sure the os kills the childprocess when the 
parrent dies?

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