In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
vishnu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi there,
>I am embedding python 2.5 on embedded system running on RTOS where I
>had strict memory constraints.
>As python is a huge malloc intensive application, I observed huge
>memory fragmentation in my system which is leading to out of memory
>after running few scripts.
>So I decided to re-initialise the python with out restarting the whole python.
>I tried to use Py_Finalise() after completion of each script , then
>call Py_Initialise as is done in below link.
>Which in every loop it causes a leak of 10K and after some iterations
>it leaks of 200K etc. After few more runs this crashes. I read some
>where this leak was solved in 2.5, but with 2.5 also I am having
>And also I found Py_Finalise does not completely cleanup the memory,
>So how do I re-initialise my memory pool?
>Does anybody faced this problem earlier and got any solution hack to
>run the python for a embedded system within own managed memory pool of
>say 10MB?
>Any help/ideas are greatly appreciated!. Thanks in advance.

Your report is interesting and important--and surprising!  I thought
Python memory allocation is "cleaner" than you seem to be observing.

I hope one of the core Python maintainers can address this.  I haven't
worked at this level recently enough to speculate on why it's happen-
ing, nor will I soon be in a position to volunteer to research it on 
my own (although I'd eagerly contract to do so on a modestly paid

Depending on your schedule and technology, there are lots of technical
fixes that might apply:
A.  quick-starting Python variations that encourage you
    to manage memory on a whole-process level;
B.  use of one of the many Python variants (even PyPy?)
    that might give you a more favorable memory profile;
C.  switch to Lua or Tcl as more easily embeddable 
    alternative languages;
D.  custom memory allocator;

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