On 8 Jun, 16:39, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mosscliffe
> wrote:
> > I have tried the following, for a one dimensional list and it works,
> > but I can not get my head around this lambda. How would this be
> > written, without the lamda ?
> Well ``lambda``\s are just anonymous functions so you can write it with a
> named function of course.
> > mylist = ['Fred','bill','PAUL','albert']
> > mylist.sort(key=lambda el: el.lower())
> So this becomes:
> def keyfunc(el):
>     return el.lower()
> mylist.sort(key=keyfunc)
> Ciao,
>         Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch


The mist is beginning to clear.



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