Neil Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was hoping for a module that provides a way for me to specify a
> fixed file format, along with some sort of interface for writing and
> reading files that are in said format.

Isn't that done by the 'struct' module

    >>> records = [
    ...     "Foo     13 Bar     ",
    ...     "Spam    23 Eggs    ",
    ...     "Guido   666Robot   ",
    ... ]
    >>> record_format = "8s3s8s"
    >>> for record in [struct.unpack(record_format, r) for r in records]:
    ...     print record
    ('Foo     ', '13 ', 'Bar     ')
    ('Spam    ', '23 ', 'Eggs    ')
    ('Guido   ', '666', 'Robot   ')

 \     "Buy not what you want, but what you need; what you do not need |
  `\           is expensive at a penny."  -- Cato, 234-149 BC, Relique |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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