Hello John, 

Try your python code on this example:
merge([[1,2], [3,4], [1,2], [5,3]])

The result given by your function is:
[[3, 4, 5]]


To Xah: next time you propose an exercise, write some UNIT TESTS!!!
Then people will be able to test if there answers are correct or not.


On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 13:20:51 -0300, John Lenton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 03:46:20PM -0800, Xah Lee wrote:
> > here's another interesting algorithmic exercise, again from part of a
> > larger program in the previous series.
> >
> > Here's the original Perl documentation:
> >
> > =pod
> >
> > merge($pairings) takes a list of pairs, each pair indicates the
> > sameness
> > of the two indexes. Returns a partitioned list of same indexes.
> >
> > For example, if the input is
> > merge( [ [1,2], [2,4], [5,6] ] );
> >
> > that means 1 and 2 are the same. 2 and 4 are the same. Therefore
> > 1==2==4. The result returned is
> >
> > [[4,2,1],[6,5]];
> >
> > (ordering of the returned list and sublists are not specified.)
> >
> > =cut
> in Python:
>     def merge(pairings):
>         rev = {}
>         res = []
>         for pairing in pairings:
>             first, second = pairing
>             has_first = first in rev
>             has_second = second in rev
>             if has_first and has_second:
>                 rev[first].extend(rev[second])
>                 rev[second][:] = []
>                 rev[second] = rev[first]
>             elif has_first:
>                 rev[first].append(second)
>                 rev[second] = rev[first]
>             elif has_second:
>                 rev[second].append(first)
>                 rev[first] = rev[second]
>             else:
>                 copy = [first, second]
>                 res.append(copy)
>                 rev[first] = rev[second] = copy
>         return filter(None, res)
> and in Perl:
>     sub merge($)
>     {
>         my %rev = ();
>         my @res = ();
>         my ($pairing, $first, $second, $has_first, $has_second);
>         foreach $pairing (@{$_[0]})
>         {
>             ($first, $second) = @$pairing;
>             $has_first = exists $rev{$first};
>             $has_second = exists $rev{$second};
>             if ($has_first and $has_second)
>             {
>                 push @{$rev{$first}}, @{$rev{$second}};
>                 @{$rev{$second}} = ();
>                 $rev{$second} = $rev{$first};
>             }
>             elsif (exists $rev{$first})
>             {
>                 push @{$rev{$first}}, $second;
>                 $rev{$second} = $rev{$first};
>             }
>             elsif (exists $rev{$second})
>             {
>                 push @{$rev{$second}}, $first;
>                 $rev{$first} = $rev{$second};
>             }
>             else
>             {
>                 my @copy = ($first, $second);
>                 push @res, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>                 $rev{$first} = $rev{$second} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>             }
>         }
>         return [grep @$_, @res];
>     }
> although in Perl you wouldn't define it to take a reference to a list
> (as you did), but rather a list, and you wouldn't define it to return
> a reference to a list, but rather a list in list context (and possibly
> a reference in scalar context).
> Both versions are (IMHO) pretty clear (when the docstring/pod is
> included), and O(n) because dict/hash lookup and list
> appending/pushing is O(1) in both languages. Both versions can
> probably be tweaked for speed quite a bit, but I don't *think* there's
> a better-than-O(n) algorithm for this.
> Note that the Python version assumes that the pairs' elements are
> hashable; your example used numbers, so I thought it was pretty safe
> assumption. The Perl version has no such restriction.
> --
> John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
> Noble cosa es, aún para un anciano, el aprender.
>                 -- Sófocles. (497-406 a.C.) Filósofo griego.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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