En Sat, 09 Jun 2007 12:30:49 -0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> On Jun 8, 2:33 pm, HMS Surprise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Could someone point my muddled head at a/the python repository. I know
>> that one exists but cannot find it again. In particular I am looking
>> for a standalone search tool that given a path searches files for a
>> text string.
> Are you looking for
> A.) a Python script to search for file names that match a given text
> string?
> B.) a script to search for a given text string within a text file?
> C.) a Python repository, as in the SVN/CVS area?

D.) The Python Package Index perhaps? http://www.python.org/pypi

Gabriel Genellina


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