Gary Herron wrote:

> So... You must explicitly read the contents of the file-like object
> yourself, and loop through the lines you self.  However, fear not --
> it's easy.   The socket._fileobject object provides a method "readlines"
> that reads the *entire* contents of the object, and returns a list of
> lines.  And you can iterate through that list of lines.  Like this:
> import urllib2 
> url = urllib2.urlopen('')
> for line in url.readlines():
>   print line
> url.close()

This is really wasteful, as there's no point in reading in the whole 
file before iterating over it.  To get the same effect as file iteration 
  in later versions, use the .xreadlines method::

        for line in aFile.xreadlines():

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
  San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM, Y!M erikmaxfrancis
   If you flee from terror, then terror continues to chase you.
    -- Benjamin Netanyahu

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