On Jun 9, 8:21 pm, "BCB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Paul McGuire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On Jun 9, 6:49 am, Lew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > In particular, Perl code looks more like line
> >> > noise than like code from any known programming language. ;))
> >> Hmm - I know of APL and SNOBOL.
> >> --
> >> Lew
> > TECO editor commands.  I don't have direct experience with TECO, but
> > I've heard that a common diversion was to type random characters on
> > the command line, and see what the editor would do.
> > -- Paul
> J
> http://www.jsoftware.com/

Oh come on! Toy languages (such as any set of editor commands) and
joke languages (ala Intercal) don't count, even if they are
technically Turing-complete. ;)

Nor does anything that was designed for the every-character-at-a-
premium punch-card era, particularly if it is, or rhymes with,

Those have excuses, like it's a joke or it's a constrained
environment. Perl, unfortunately, has no such excuses. If there were
such a thing as "embedded Perl", I'd have to hesitate here, but since
there isn't...


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