> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:python-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Reuben D.
> Budiardja
> Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 7:19 PM
> To: python-list@python.org
> Subject: Re: Accessing global namespace from module
> On Monday 11 June 2007 17:10:03 Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> > En Mon, 11 Jun 2007 17:29:35 -0300, reubendb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> escribió:
> > > On Jun 11, 3:30 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > wrote:
> > >> En Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:18:58 -0300, reubendb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >>
> > >> escribió:
> > >> > The problem is I don't define the functions AddPlot() and
> DrawPlots().
> > >> > It's built into the python interpreter of the CLI version of the
> > >> > program I mentioned, and they are defined on the main script. I
> load
> > >> > the main script using something like "software -cli -s
> > >> > mainscript.py".
> > >> > In the mainscript.py I import myModule, but of course myModule does
> > >> > not have access to the functions defined in the global namespace of
> > >> > mainscript.py.
> > >>
> > >> Don't you have some import statements at the top of mainscript.py
> that
> > >> are
> > >> responsible for bringing AddPlot and DrawPlots into the current
> > >> namespace?
> > >> Import the same things in your second module.
> > >
> > > No, I *don't* have any import statement mainscript.py. When using this
> > > software's CLI, AddPlot and DrawPlots are available to me
> > > automagically from mainscript.py. Hence my question: How do I make
> > > this available from other module. Is there any way at all ?
> >
> > Yes: create your own module on-the-fly, using the recipe posted earlier
> by
> > John Krukoff.
> > If there are many functions, try enumerating them all:
> >
> > import sys
> >  from types import ModuleType as module
> >
> > plotModule = module('plot')
> > for key,value in globals().items():
> >      if key[:2] != '__':
> >          setattr(plotModule, key, value)
> >
> > sys.modules['plot'] = plotModule
> Great ! That seems to work, thanks a lot.
> One last question. Do I have to do this for ever script I write, or can I
> put
> this into separate file and "include" it somehow ?
> I am going to have several mainscripts.py, and all is going to import
> myModule
> that will need access to this plots subroutine. It'll be great if I can
> put
> this trick on a single file that is included by the main scripts, to avoid
> violating DRY principle.
> Thanks for all the help.
> --
> Reuben D. Budiardja
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Well, an alternative way to access the main script namespace is using:

>>> import __main__
>>> __main__.AddPlot( blah, blah )

And so on, from within your imported file that you want to have muck about
in the main namespace. I've no idea if your custom application will setup
__main__ properly, but the documentation indicates that it should work the
same way for an embedded application.

You can probably substitute dir( __main__ ) for globals( ) in the above
script and have it set things up automatically.

John Krukoff


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