On 6/15/07, Wiley Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to write a script to open a file on our (windows) network.  The
> file is located on a machine that is not part of the domain and requires a
> separate user id and password to access.  I tried using urllib2 and the
> password_manager to authenticate but as some point urllib2 sees I'm trying
> to access a local file and passes it off to os.  The error message I get is:
> "WindowsError: [Error 1326] Logon failure: unknown user name or bad
> password: <file path.
> Does anyone know of a better approach.

Urllib2 is used for making HTTP/FTP requests. When you open a file on
a network share, the networking is handled by Windows; as far as
Python is concerned, it's treated the same as a local file.

You could try something like this (untested):

os.system(r"NET USE \\computer\share password /USER:username")
# do something with file
os.system(r"NET USE \\computer\share /DELETE")

That should authenticate and de-authenticate you properly, but it
seems like a fragile way of doing it -- for one thing, I think it
would grant access to any other program running under your login
session. There may be a better way of doing this using the Windows
API. Alternatively, depending on your application, you might want to
consider using a simple web or FTP server.

-- David

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