Evan Klitzke wrote:
> Although it is not present in ANSI C, the GNU version of stftime
> supports the conversion character %z, which is a time offset from GMT.
> The four digit time offset is required in RFC 2822 dates/times, and is
> used by a number of other programs as well. I need to convert times
> that use this convention to python time representations, and because
> Python does not support the %z time conversion character I cannot
> simply use the time.strptime function.

See this patch for an idea of the scope of this problem:


> What solutions have people used for this? I'm currently thinking of
> creating a dict that maps four digit time offsets to the time zone
> name and then use the %Z token on that. Is there another (or better)
> way?

Apart from a patch which would allow the time module functions to
produce the output you desire, an alternative might involve the
datetime module and timezone-aware datetime objects:


I refer indirectly to the pytz module in the above message:




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