Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Should I take answers serious?
Answer from people which do not respect coherence of writings?
I still detect the coherence.
As most people in this group will detect the coherence.
I don't. The second fragment is not even correct English
(it does not have a verb in the main phrase, and Answer
is lacking an article).
So I have to guess what you could have meant. If you want
to be understood, you might have phrased the question like
"Should I take answers from people which do not respect coherence
of writings serious?"
Or, if this splits the adjective too much from the verb, you
could also write
"Should I take answers serious if they come from people which
do not respect coherence of writings?"
This *still* would not have meant that I had understood the
question, since I still don't know what coherence of
writings is (as you failed to give a definition when I
last asked), but atleast I would have realized that I
don't understand the question, and refrained from answering
it. Perhaps the question was meant rhetoric.