Falcolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> It's Mac OS and Windows which are inconsistent.  Emacs has been
>> around since they were mere glimmers in the eye of Jobs & Gates...
> Inconsistent? I would have to disagree. They changed paradigms -
> terminal text based interfaces to GUIs. You wouldn't expect a piece of
> software built for a terminal to be backwards compatibility to punch
> card interfaces, would you? Why would a GUI based program limit itself
> to functionality as defined by a terminal application?

You're making the assumption that Mac OS in 1984 offered some textual
capability (textual, since we're discussing text editing) which emacs
did not.  It didn't.

Robert Uhl <http://public.xdi.org/=ruhl>
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Q: What's the most annoying thing about Usenet?

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