Here are a couple of pointers. I agree with Michele that it would be nice to have some kind of standardization. Maybe this would be worth a post to the Web-SIG ?

- I posted a 70-line recipe on the Python Cookbook, a sort of poor man's HTMLGen called HTMLTags
with a syntax like this :

# print HTML( HEAD(TITLE('Test document')) +
#    BODY(H1('This is a test document')+
#        TEXT('First line')+BR()+
#        TEXT('Second line')))

The use of addition allows for shortcuts like
    print Sum([ TR(TD(i)+TD(i*i)) for i in range(100) ])

where Sum works like the built-in sum, but sum only works for numbers apparently

- in the Cookbook someone mentioned the HyperText package, published in 2000 by Andy Dustman :

It uses this syntax :

# print TABLE(
#    TR((TH('SPAM'), TH('EGGS')),
#    TR(TD('foo','bar', colspan=2))
# )

The package also handles XML, SGML etc.

- I wrote to Andy and he said there was also Living Logic's XIST :

An example taken from the site :

#node = xsc.Frag(
#  xml.XML10(),
#  html.DocTypeXHTML10transitional(),
#  html.html(
#      html.head(
#         meta.contenttype(),
#         html.title("Example page")
#      ),
#      html.body(
#         html.h1("Welcome to the example page"),
#         html.p(
#            "This example page has a link to the ",
#            html.a("Python home page", href="";),
#            "."
#         )
#      )
#   )
# )
# print node.conv().asBytes(encoding="us-ascii")

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