Bjorn Borud wrote:

> [Falcolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> | 
> | I guess ultimately I'm trying to argue the point that just because a
> | tool was written with a GUI or on Windows does not automatically
> | make it any less a productive tool than a text based terminal tool.
> | Even in windows, you can use the keyboard to do all of your work, if
> | you learn how (thanks to the magic of the alt key).
> as I see it, the debate isn't whether GUI tools are inferior per se,
> but whether Emacs is inferior since it has its own interaction
> concepts that do not map 1:1 to GUI conventions of Windows and OSX.

I think it worthwile to point out again here that emacs does in fact
have a bitmapped, windowy GUI, has done for years - e.g.  ...
Some people in this silly thread (not Bjørn specifically) seem to be
labouring under the impression that it is solely a text-only
interface - "Mouse longcuts" exist for the most basic keyboard commands
when you're using emacs on a WIMP system like X11 or Microsoft Windows
(though you can turn them off to stop wasting screen real estate on
pretty-pretty once you know the keyboard commands)

> (indeed several friends of mine would like to see Emacs done in Common
> Lisp, and I seem to have some memory of such a project existing
> somewhere).

Climacs @


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